Taking an individual or business prospect on a journey to a client can be a long process or a short one. Consultants need a blueprint to get them to the ultimate destination conversion. Blueprints are varied. Many methods work. Having no method (a vacuum method in itself) results in minimal accomplishment. Closing that client engagement requires tenacity, branding mixed with ethics, and a mentality to represent oneself professionally. Presenting these images starts from the beginning when prospects are first engaged.
This white paper discusses the process of that journey – from before meeting with the prospect to signing up the client and all the steps in between. Topics covered in detail help the consultant tweak their own unique process and ultimately hone their approach to establishing a new client relationship.
Whether a consultant is dealing with a personal situation or talking with business owners, following a plan and being prepared will at the minimum show a high degree of professionalism.
Table of Contents: From the Beginning, Package to Impress, No Seminar Seminar, Before the First Meeting, First Private Meeting, Delivering an Archive Case. Conveying a Process. Accumulating Confidence, Overcoming Prospect Doubt & Providing Assurance, Establishing Plan Value, Closing the Engagement, Having a Note Taker, Fact Finder, Final Plan Delivery and Acceptance, Consultant Cost Analysis, Conquering Reluctance, Best New Clients,Keeping Good Records