Financial Gerontology White Paper

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Financial Gerontology (White Paper)

It is important to note that aging Is heterogeneous and not normative. In other words, there is no one way to age and the path of every individual is different.

Additionally, aging is not synonymous with disease. Not everyone will experience significant cognitive decline or physical disability as they grow older. There are people that live until old age and death without experiencing either of these phenomena.

We do know for certain that as people age, they will encounter significate life transitions that will require reaction and adaptation and many of those key pivotal events will require that need to consulting professionals of insight and direction. Financial preparedness shapes many of these events.

The expertise of a Financial Gerontologist, a trained professional who understands financial planning from a life course perspective cannot be understated.


James Flanagan, Ph.D., MRFC®

Table of Contents:
Understanding the Longevity Bonus
What is Financial Gerontology
Financial Decision Making, Retirement Planning, and Financial Gerontology
What Makes a Financial Gerontologist Different From a Financial Consultant
Taking a Life Course Framework Approach to Planning
Psychological Factors Related to Financial Decision -Making
Financial Gerontologists as Futurists
The Role of Transitions
My Vocation as a Financial Gerontologist
Maximizing Your Longevity Bonus
Aging Your Way and Make the Most of It
Build a Strong Social Support System
Give Back as You Age
Cultivate Happiness
Call to Action