This Branding Action Checklist has been developed for IARFC members and financial professionals based on the most successful observed best branding practices of financial advisors, both here in the United States and internationally.
The competition for your clients is increasing. A strong brand projects your passion and commitment to clients and prospects.
Brand loyalty is reinforced by continued efforts to positively project a favorable image.
How are you perceived?
Perceptions are a result of how you brand yourself. The cumulative cycle of branding and how it effects every aspect of client interaction from before the initial approach through your follow up service results from your desired image. You must present a consistent image. Everything the client sees and receives must be of high quality and very carefully finished.
Step-by-Step Checklist
Much discussion is given to a real world checklist for you to start building your own identity. The IARFC Branding Checklist breaks down your branding journey in manageable tasks and time.